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"The senses, being explorers of our world, open the way to Knowledge."
  - Dr. Maria  Montessori

Children’s Interest is directed towards the environment. The Main goal of the Sensorial activities is to help children identify the varied impressions given by the senses: Tactile (touch), Olfactory (Smell), Gustatory (taste), Auditory (hearing), and Sterognostic (tactile with movement). After experiencing sensorial activities, the child’s sense perception will appear inherently structured and capable of comprehending abstract concepts.

Practical life


“Teach teaching, not correcting”

- Dr. Maria Montessori. 

To allow the child to fully function in society and control the coordination of his/her movements - practical life exercises are important. It helps children be independent while developing their intelligence, concentration, and way of thinking.



We share five parts in Math with our students: arithmetic, geometry, statistics and calculus. More precisely, the concepts covered in the Primary Class are numeration, the decimal system, computation, the arithmetic tables, whole numbers, fractions, and positive numbers. We offer arithmetic to the child in the final two years of the first plane of development - from age four to age five and six.

Language Arts


Form birth, children absorb the sound and speech patterns of their family and home environment. The Montessori student learning language will listen to teachers reading books, trace, learn new words and take the steps to learn to read. Writing is taught before reading through the aims of the Montessori Practical Life and Sensorial works. Knowledge is constructed by mental and physical activities rather than passive learning.

Cultural studies


Cultural Studies include Geography, History, Zoology, and Botany. Children have a curiosity to learn about themselves and their surroundings so they learn about land & water formation, culture, countries, etc.

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